What are the four parts of "characterization"?

I can think of only two: direct (explicit) or indirect (implicit).



The four parts of characterization are usually referred to as methods or techniques used to develop and portray characters in literature. The two methods you mentioned, direct and indirect characterization, are indeed two of the four commonly recognized techniques. Here are the four parts of characterization:

1. Direct characterization: This is when the author explicitly provides information about a character's personality, traits, or background. It involves direct statements or descriptions that directly tell us about the character.

2. Indirect characterization: This is when the author reveals a character's traits indirectly through their actions, thoughts, dialogues, appearance, or interactions with other characters. It requires the reader to make inferences and draw conclusions about the character's personality.

3. Speech and dialogue: This refers to the words a character speaks and how they communicate with others. Through their dialogue, we can gain insight into their personality, emotions, education, and background.

4. Appearance and actions: The physical appearance of a character and their behavior can also provide valuable information about their traits, motives, and emotions. The way they dress, their gestures, mannerisms, and habits can all contribute to their characterization.

To find this information, I referenced the provided link to Wikipedia, specifically the page on "Characterization." This page provides a comprehensive overview and explanation of the different aspects of characterization in literature.