ARGH!! i cant figure this out :'(

I've got this question in French and i cant understand it...

Si tu avais un oiseau emblème, lequel choisiirais-tu, et pourquoi? Quels caracteristiques a-t-il qui appartiennement aussi à toi?

I think it says "If you have a bird emblem, which would you chooseand why? Qhat characteristics it'll who belong also to you" I know the english is messy but its cuz i cant read this ;'(

Help me please!


^ ^

by the way, what does a-t-il mean?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Y ou have done pretty well with the translation. Here is what it asks:

If you had a bird emblem, which one would you choose and why? Which characteri stics does it have which also pertain to (belong to) you?

Here is the statement = il a = he has, he DOES have, he IS havING. One of the 4 ways to ask a question is with inversion. That means you switch the positions of the subject (il) and the verb (a). However you need the "t" so you can hear it = a-t-il?


P.S. In case I didn't give you the English of "a-t-il?" it is DOES he have, IS he havING or he has?


I understand that you're having trouble understanding the question in French. Don't worry, I can help you break it down!

The question asks: "If you had a bird emblem, which one would you choose, and why? What characteristics does it have that also belong to you?"

To understand the question better, let's break it down into smaller parts:

1. "Si tu avais un oiseau emblème" means "If you had a bird emblem." The question is asking you to imagine having a symbolic bird.
2. "Lequel choisirais-tu?" translates to "Which one would you choose?" This part is asking you to decide which bird you would choose as your emblem.
3. "Et pourquoi?" means "And why?" This is where they want you to explain the reasons behind your choice.
4. "Quelles caractéristiques a-t-il qui appartiennent aussi à toi?" translates to "What characteristics does it have that also belong to you?" This is asking you to identify the traits or qualities of the bird that relate to your own personality or identity.

To answer the question, you should start by researching different bird species and considering their characteristics. Think about which bird resonates with you and why it represents you. You can also consider the bird's traits, behavior, or symbolism to explain the connection between you and your chosen emblem.

Remember, personal opinions and experiences are important when answering these types of questions. Good luck with your answer, and don't hesitate to ask if you need any further assistance!