Who was the audience for the Dalai Lama speech? How did speaking in front of this group affect the Dalai Lama's message?



His Nobel prize acceptance speech in 1989


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To determine the audience for the Dalai Lama's speech and how speaking in front of this group affected his message, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the context of the speech: Find out when and where the Dalai Lama gave the speech. Understanding the setting will help identify the likely audience.

2. Look for official announcements: Check for any official statements or press releases that provide details about the event, including the intended audience. These sources often give specific information about the type of audience and their background.

3. Analyze the event organizers: Consider the organization or group hosting the speech. They often choose the audience based on their objectives or the theme of the event. Research their mission, previous events, or any public information to understand the targeted audience.

4. Review media coverage: Examine news articles, blog posts, or social media discussions about the event. Journalists or attendees often write about their experiences, which can provide insights into the audience composition and reaction to the speech.

5. Watch the video or read a transcript: If available, watch a video recording of the speech or read a transcript. The Dalai Lama might reference or address the audience directly. Pay attention to any remarks indicating who the intended audience was and how the Dalai Lama's message might have been tailored to them.

By performing these steps, you should be able to gather information about the audience for the Dalai Lama's speech and understand the potential impact it had on his message.