Lincoln best demonstrated the qualities of the Republican Party in that ___________________ .

a.he supported Congress’ decision in the
Dred Scott Case
b.he believed that blacks and slaves were equal to whites
c.he supported secession by the Southern states
d.he was against the spread of slavery into new states and territories



To determine the correct answer, let's examine the qualities and principles that define the Republican Party during Abraham Lincoln's time. The Republican Party was formed in the mid-1850s with the central goal of opposing the expansion of slavery. With this in mind, we can consider the options:

a. Supporting Congress' decision in the Dred Scott Case: The Dred Scott Case was a landmark Supreme Court decision that ruled against the rights of African Americans and further solidified slavery's legality. The Republicans, including Lincoln, opposed this decision as it contradicted their anti-slavery stance.

b. Believing that blacks and slaves were equal to whites: The Republican Party, including Lincoln, did not believe in the social equality of blacks and whites at that time. They primarily focused on opposing the expansion of slavery rather than advocating for racial equality.

c. Supporting secession by the Southern states: The Republican Party vehemently opposed secession during the American Civil War. Lincoln, as a Republican president, worked diligently to preserve the Union and prevent the secession of Southern states.

d. Being against the spread of slavery into new states and territories: This option aligns with the defining principle of the Republican Party during Lincoln's time. Republicans, including Lincoln, firmly opposed the spread of slavery into new states and territories, advocating for the containment and eventual abolition of slavery.

Considering these points, we can determine that the best option that aligns with Lincoln's demonstration of the qualities of the Republican Party is d. He was against the spread of slavery into new states and territories.