IHow do you refractor this:

public class Employee {
private boolean isPartTime;
private int seniority;
private int monthsDisabled;

public Employee(boolean isPartTime, int seniority, int monthsDisabled) {
this.isPartTime = isPartTime;
this.seniority = seniority;
this.monthsDisabled = monthsDisabled;

// TODO: add a function here with the signature: public boolean notEligibleForDisibility()

public double disabilityAmount() {
// TODO: replace these checks with a single function call
if (seniority < 2)
return 0;
if (monthsDisabled > 12)
return 0;
if (isPartTime)
return 0;

// in a real program, there would be other logic for determining
// the amount of disability the employee is eligible for here

To refactor the given code, we can apply a few changes:

1. Extract the logic in the `disabilityAmount()` method into a separate method.
2. Create a new method called `notEligibleForDisability()` that checks if the employee is not eligible for disability based on the conditions mentioned in the code.

Here's the refactored code:

public class Employee {
private boolean isPartTime;
private int seniority;
private int monthsDisabled;

public Employee(boolean isPartTime, int seniority, int monthsDisabled) {
this.isPartTime = isPartTime;
this.seniority = seniority;
this.monthsDisabled = monthsDisabled;

public boolean notEligibleForDisability() {
return seniority < 2 || monthsDisabled > 12 || isPartTime;

public double disabilityAmount() {
if (notEligibleForDisability()) {
return 0;

// additional logic for determining the amount of disability the employee is eligible for

return 0; // dummy return statement for demonstration purposes

1. The `notEligibleForDisability()` method checks if the employee is not eligible for disability by checking the conditions mentioned in the original `disabilityAmount()` method.
2. By extracting this logic into a separate method, we can create a single function call in the `disabilityAmount()` method to determine if the employee is eligible for disability.
3. The `disabilityAmount()` method then uses this new `notEligibleForDisability()` method to return early if the employee is not eligible for disability.

With these changes, the code is more modular and easier to read, reducing duplication and improving maintainability.

To refactor the provided code, you can follow these steps:

1. Create a new method called `notEligibleForDisability()` with the following signature:
public boolean notEligibleForDisability()

2. Move the existing `return` statements from the `disabilityAmount()` method into the new `notEligibleForDisability()` method.

3. Modify the `disabilityAmount()` method to call the `notEligibleForDisability()` method and return the appropriate disability amount based on the eligibility.

The modified code should look like this:

public class Employee {
private boolean isPartTime;
private int seniority;
private int monthsDisabled;

public Employee(boolean isPartTime, int seniority, int monthsDisabled) {
this.isPartTime = isPartTime;
this.seniority = seniority;
this.monthsDisabled = monthsDisabled;

public boolean notEligibleForDisability() {
return (seniority < 2) || (monthsDisabled > 12) || isPartTime;

public double disabilityAmount() {
if (notEligibleForDisability()) {
return 0;

// in a real program, there would be other logic for determining
// the amount of disability the employee is eligible for here

By separating the eligibility check into its own method, the code becomes more readable and maintainable. Additionally, the `notEligibleForDisability()` method can be reused in other parts of the code if needed.