Next year Geoff hopes to be able to run 5 mi in 1/2 his previous time.How long should it take him to run 5 mi?

What was his previous time?

Do you have any other details, such as, what his previous time was?

we found it out

To find out how long it should take Geoff to run 5 miles, we need to first determine his previous time. Let's say Geoff's previous time for running 5 miles is represented by "x" minutes.

According to the information given, Geoff hopes to be able to run 5 miles in 1/2 his previous time. So, his target time for running 5 miles is (1/2) * x minutes.

To calculate this, you need to multiply the previous time (x) by 1/2. This can be done by dividing x by 2. So, Geoff's target time for running 5 miles can be represented as x/2 minutes.

Therefore, it should take Geoff x/2 minutes to run 5 miles next year, based on the given information.