Calculate the amount of heat required to convert 17.5g of ice at -33.5∘C to steam at 100.0∘C.

Can u do it in simple way with calculations

Who much heat energy is required to convert 10g of ice into 10 degree celsius to steam at 120 degrees Celsius

To calculate the amount of heat required for this process, we need to consider the different steps involved in the phase change from ice to steam.

1. Heat required to raise the temperature of ice from -33.5°C to 0°C:
The specific heat capacity of ice is 2.09 J/g°C. Therefore, we can use the formula Q1 = mass × specific heat capacity × ΔT to calculate the heat required:
Q1 = 17.5 g × 2.09 J/g°C × (0°C - (-33.5°C))

2. Heat required to melt the ice at 0°C:
The heat required to melt ice is called the heat of fusion or latent heat. For water, this value is 334 J/g. Therefore, we can use the formula Q2 = mass × heat of fusion to calculate the heat required:
Q2 = 17.5 g × 334 J/g

3. Heat required to raise the temperature of the resulting water from 0°C to 100°C:
The specific heat capacity of water is 4.18 J/g°C. Using the formula Q3 = mass × specific heat capacity × ΔT, we can calculate the heat required:
Q3 = 17.5 g × 4.18 J/g°C × (100°C - 0°C)

4. Heat required to change the water to steam at 100°C:
The heat required to convert a substance from a liquid to a gas is called the heat of vaporization or latent heat. For water, this value is 2260 J/g. Thus, we can calculate the heat required using the formula Q4 = mass × heat of vaporization:
Q4 = 17.5 g × 2260 J/g

Finally, to find the total heat required, we add up all the individual heat quantities:
Total heat required = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4

You can substitute the values into each formula and calculate the result.

heat needed to raise T of solid water from -33.5 to solid water at zero C.

q1 = mass ice x specific heat solid ice x (Tfinal-Tinitia) where Tfinal is zero and Tinitial is -33.5

q2 = heat need to melt ice; i.e., change solid water at zero C to liquid water at zero C.
q2 = mass ice x heat fusion

q3 = heat needed to raise T liquid water from zero C to liquid water at 100 C.
q3 = mass H2O x specific heat H2O x (Tfinal-Tinitial) where Tf is 100 and Ti is 0.

q4 = heat needed to convert liquid water at 100 C to steam at 100 C.
q4 = mass H2O x heat vaporization.

Come on shadow.

The q1 is to get you from ice at -33.5 to zero.
The q2 is to get you from solid ice to liquid water.
The q3 is to get you from zero C to 100 C.
And q4 is to get you from liquid water at 100 to steam at 100.
The problem asks for heat need to go from -33.5 to steam at 100. I gave it to you in each piece needed. The TOTAL, which is what the problem wants, is
q1 + q2 + q3 + q4. You just add each of the pieces together to arrive at the total. I assumed it was obvious that you added each piece so I didn't write that. Sorry. Perhaps I should have written it.

that just confused me i used q2 and then q4....because going from a ice to stream is another conversion