Peyton has two pizzas.Each pizza is cut into 10 equal slices.She and her friends eat 14 slices. What part of the pizzas did they eat? Write your answer as a decimal.

1.4 pizzas


14/20 = 0.7




To find out what part of the pizzas Peyton and her friends ate, we need to determine the fraction of the total slices that were eaten.

Each pizza is cut into 10 equal slices, so Peyton has a total of 2x10 = 20 slices.

Peyton and her friends ate 14 slices.

To find the fraction of slices that were eaten, we divide the number of slices eaten (14) by the total number of slices (20):

14/20 = 0.7

Therefore, Peyton and her friends ate 0.7 or 70% of the pizzas.