Allison needs 2 yards of blue ribbon, 1/2 yard of yards of yellow ribbon and 3/4 yards of green ribbon at $ 2.00 a yard. How much money do she need for the ribbon.


2 (2.5+ 0.75)=
2 ( 3.25 )


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To find out how much money Allison needs for the ribbon, we need to calculate the cost of each type of ribbon separately and then add them together.

First, let's calculate the cost of the blue ribbon. Allison needs 2 yards of blue ribbon, and each yard costs $2.00. So, the cost of the blue ribbon is 2 yards * $2.00/yard = $4.00.

Next, let's calculate the cost of the yellow ribbon. Allison needs 1/2 yard of yellow ribbon, and each yard costs $2.00. To find the cost for 1/2 yard, we can multiply the cost for 1 yard by 1/2. The cost of the yellow ribbon is 1/2 yard * $2.00/yard = $1.00.

Now, let's calculate the cost of the green ribbon. Allison needs 3/4 yards of green ribbon, and each yard costs $2.00. To find the cost for 3/4 yard, we can multiply the cost for 1 yard by 3/4. The cost of the green ribbon is 3/4 yard * $2.00/yard = $1.50.

Finally, we add up the costs of all three types of ribbons: $4.00 + $1.00 + $1.50 = $6.50.

Therefore, Allison needs $6.50 for the ribbon.

2(2 + 0.5 + 0.75) = ?