Juanita is packing a box that is shaped like a rectangular prism.The box is 18 inches long and 9 inches tall.the total volume of the box is 1,944 cubic inches.use the formula V=lwh to find the width of the box.show work.PLEASE HElP!

How did you get the width?

1,944 = 18 * w * 9

1,944 = 162w

1,944/162 = w

? = w

I still don't understand Ms.Sue,can you please explain a little easier,where do the l and h come in at,im only in 5th grade,math is hard for me

L = length = 18 inches

H = height = 9 inches

thank you Ms.Sue

You're welcome, Zion.

Volume =L×W×H

Volume 1944=18×9×W
Width is 12
Now 12×18×9=1944.


To find the width of the box, we can rearrange the formula V = lwh to solve for the width (w).

Given information:
Length (l) = 18 inches
Height (h) = 9 inches
Volume (V) = 1,944 cubic inches

Substituting the known values into the formula, we have:

1,944 = 18w * 9

Now, let's solve for w by isolating it on one side of the equation.

First, divide both sides of the equation by (18 * 9):
1,944 / (18 * 9) = w

Performing the calculation:
1,944 / 162 = w
12 = w

So, the width of the box is 12 inches.