Mike and Teresa Garza have a monthly gross income of $5,000, but they pay $1,000 per month in taxes. They also pay $2,000 per month in various loan payments. What is their debt service ratio?


To calculate the debt service ratio, we need to first calculate the total monthly debt payments.

Total Monthly Debt Payments = Taxes + Loan Payments
= $1,000 + $2,000
= $3,000

Next, we can calculate the debt service ratio using the following formula:

Debt Service Ratio = (Total Monthly Debt Payments / Monthly Gross Income) * 100

Debt Service Ratio = ($3,000 / $5,000) * 100
= 0.6 * 100
= 60

Therefore, the debt service ratio of Mike and Teresa Garza is 60%.

To calculate the debt service ratio, we need to find the total monthly debt payments as a percentage of the monthly gross income.

First, we need to find the total monthly debt payments, which is the sum of their tax payment and loan payments:

Total monthly debt payments = Tax payment + Loan payments
Total monthly debt payments = $1,000 + $2,000
Total monthly debt payments = $3,000

Now, let's calculate the debt service ratio:

Debt Service Ratio = (Total monthly debt payments / Monthly gross income) x 100

Debt Service Ratio = ($3,000 / $5,000) x 100
Debt Service Ratio = 0.6 x 100
Debt Service Ratio = 60%

Therefore, Mike and Teresa Garza's debt service ratio is 60%.
