how are Ethical Egoism and Virtue Ethics the same and what are the contradictory elements between the two systems


I am still confused on what they have in common.

Let's start with the word, "ethics." What does it mean?

the study of moral standards and how they affect conduct

Both philosophies involve moral standards and conduct.

Ethical Egoism and Virtue Ethics are two distinct ethical frameworks but share some similarities while also having contradictory elements. Let's break it down:

1. Human focus: Both Ethical Egoism and Virtue Ethics are centered on human behavior and ethical decision-making.
2. Agent-centered ethics: Both frameworks emphasize the importance of the individual and their moral character in making ethical choices.
3. Personal happiness: Both Ethical Egoism and Virtue Ethics ultimately consider an individual's pursuit of personal happiness as a crucial aspect of ethical decision-making.

Contradictory Elements:
1. Moral standard: Ethical Egoism holds that individuals should prioritize their own interests above others, promoting self-centeredness as the moral standard. In contrast, Virtue Ethics suggests that individuals should focus on cultivating virtuous character traits and prioritize the wellbeing of others.
2. Consequences vs. character: Ethical Egoism mainly considers the consequences of actions, focusing on maximizing individual self-interest. Virtue Ethics, on the other hand, emphasizes the cultivation of virtuous character traits, irrespective of the consequences of actions.
3. Self-interest vs. moral duty: Ethical Egoism argues that individuals have a moral duty to act in their own self-interest, leading to a potential conflict with societal responsibilities. In contrast, Virtue Ethics focuses on an individual's moral duty to uphold virtuous values and principles, which may supersede self-interest in certain situations.

To explore the similarities and contradictions between Ethical Egoism and Virtue Ethics further, it's recommended to study the key principles, writings, and philosophical arguments associated with each framework. This will help develop a deeper understanding of their respective ideas and applications in various moral dilemmas.