Grade 7 students were surveyed to determine how many hours per day they spent on various activities. Eating is 8%, homework is 8%, sleeping is 33%, TV is 13%, socializing 13%, and school is 25%. About how many hours per day altogether were spent on watching TV and homework?

TV+HW = 8% + 13% = 21%

21% of 24 hours is .21 * 24 = 5.04 hours

1. 300 voters

2. About 5 hours
3. too wet, too shallow, and chemical problems
4. 126 degrees
Here you go! 100% I promise!!

thank you! I get it now

The answer is D, 5 hours

Yea! I'll give the rest when I'm done!!

Anonymous is correct

To find out how many hours per day were spent on watching TV and homework, we need to calculate the sum of the percentages for TV and homework and then convert it to hours. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Calculate the total percentage for watching TV and homework:
TV percentage = 13%
Homework percentage = 8%

Total percentage = TV percentage + Homework percentage

Total percentage = 13% + 8% = 21%

Step 2: Convert the total percentage to hours:
We know that the total percentage represents 100% of the time spent in a day. So, we need to find the equivalent number of hours.

Let's assume that there are 24 hours in a day.

Total hours = (Total percentage / 100) * 24

Total hours = (21 / 100) * 24
Total hours = 0.21 * 24
Total hours = 5.04

Therefore, grade 7 students spent approximately 5.04 hours per day on watching TV and doing homework altogether.