When simplifying algebraic fractions, do you simplify things attached by addition/subtraction?

EX. 4d-1
Would you be able to further simplify it to:


that would be
2 d - 1/2
3 d

however if the problem had been
4 d - 2
6 d

then you could say
2 d - 1

and if the problem had been:


then it would be:

When simplifying algebraic fractions, you can simplify terms attached by addition or subtraction separately. In the given example, we have the fraction:

(4d - 1) / 6d

To simplify this fraction further, we can simplify the numerator and denominator separately. Let's start with the numerator:

4d - 1 = 2(2d) - 1

You can see that 4d can be split as 2 multiplied by 2d, which gives us 2(2d). Now, we have:

2(2d) - 1 = 4d - 1

Now, let's focus on the denominator:

6d = 2 * 3d

Again, 6d can be represented as 2 multiplied by 3d. Now, we have:

2 * 3d = 6d

Putting the simplified numerator and denominator together, we have:

(4d - 1) / 6d = (4d - 1) / (2 * 3d) = (4d - 1) / 6d

Therefore, the simplified algebraic fraction cannot be further simplified to (2d - 1) / 3d.