Is there anybody out there who really knows art history or anyone who is at least aware of some helpful art history resources out there? For comparison and contrast purposes, I need to know more about some individual French academic artists and their specific works with regards to Orientalism in the nineteenth century.

Sounds as if you need to find a copy of an excellent art history book entitled Art in the Western World by David M. Robb and J. J. Garrison.

Also, here are many websites that have reference to this entire topic:

You can also go to and enter a variety of more specific search terms, such as --

-- french artists orientalism
-- orientalism french art 19th century

Let us know if you need more help researching online.

I went to the library and am getting somewhere now. A message to all the college bound students out there: Beware of art history for it can be difficult!

Yes, there are certainly people who specialize in art history and can provide information on individual French academic artists and their works with regards to Orientalism in the nineteenth century. To access such resources, you can follow these steps:

1. Search Academic Journals: Look for respected academic journals in the field of art history, such as "The Art Bulletin," "Art History," or "Gazette des Beaux-Arts." These publications often publish in-depth articles and research papers on specific artists and art movements.

2. Visit Museums and Galleries: Many museums and galleries have extensive collections of artwork from the nineteenth century. Check out major museums like the Louvre in Paris or the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, which house significant pieces that can help deepen your understanding of Orientalism. Explore their websites or visit in-person to access exhibition catalogs, scholarly essays, and audiovisual resources.

3. Consult Art History Books: Look for books on Orientalism in art history that focus on the French academic artists of the nineteenth century. Some recommended titles include "Orientalism" by Edward Said, "Orientalism in Art" by Mary Roberts, and "The Orientalists: Western Artists in Arabia, the Sahara, Persia, and India" by Kristian Davies. These books provide critical analysis and contextual information about the subject matter.

4. Utilize Online Resources: Numerous online platforms offer a wealth of information on art history. Websites like JSTOR, Artstor, Google Arts & Culture, and museum websites provide access to scholarly articles, high-resolution images, virtual exhibitions, and extensive archives.

5. Engage with Art History Forums and Societies: Join art history forums or communities where knowledgeable individuals discuss and share resources. Websites like Reddit, Art History Stack Exchange, and platforms provided by professional art history associations can be helpful for seeking advice and recommendations from experts.

While the steps above can point you in the right direction, it's important to note that thorough research and critical thinking are necessary when analyzing the complex topic of Orientalism. It's wise to cross-reference information from multiple sources to gain a well-rounded understanding of the subject matter.