Tia generated a list of random numbers to simulate an experiment based on the waiting times at a supermarker checkout line.The number 1 represents waiting in line less than 5 minutes and the number 2 represents waiting in line 5 minutes or more.


Which conclusion can Tia most reasonably draw form the simulation?

a. A person is likely to wait in line less than 5 minutes 14% of the time.

b. A person is likely to wait in line 5 minutes or more 11% of the time.

c. A person is likely to wait in line less than 5 minutes more than 50% of the time.

d. A person is likely to wait in line 5 minutes or more 50% of the time.

please answer and explain

Are there more or less 1's than 2's?

I don't understand what the question mean

I count 1 has 14, 2 has 11,


so my answer is c, is it correct?

To determine which conclusion Tia can most reasonably draw from the simulation, we need to analyze the given list of random numbers.

The number 1 represents waiting in line for less than 5 minutes, and the number 2 represents waiting in line for 5 minutes or more.

Let's count the occurrences of each number:

Number 1 count: 16
Number 2 count: 9

To find the percentage for each category, we need to divide the count by the total number of trials (25) and multiply by 100.

Percentage for waiting less than 5 minutes:
(16 / 25) * 100 = 64%

Percentage for waiting 5 minutes or more:
(9 / 25) * 100 = 36%

Now, let's evaluate the given conclusions:

a. A person is likely to wait in line less than 5 minutes 14% of the time.
This conclusion is incorrect, as the actual percentage is 64%.

b. A person is likely to wait in line 5 minutes or more 11% of the time.
This conclusion is incorrect, as the actual percentage is 36%.

c. A person is likely to wait in line less than 5 minutes more than 50% of the time.
This conclusion is correct, as the actual percentage is 64%.

d. A person is likely to wait in line 5 minutes or more 50% of the time.
This conclusion is incorrect, as the actual percentage is 36%.

Therefore, the most reasonable conclusion Tia can draw from the simulation is:

c. A person is likely to wait in line less than 5 minutes more than 50% of the time.

Explanation: By analyzing the percentage of waiting times, we can determine that waiting in line for less than 5 minutes is more common, with a 64% likelihood.