Can someone please help me? At least give me an idea. I really need some help I'm far behind and this one is really giving me trouble. Please help. Thanks.

Select one reform movement from the Progressive Era. Describe the movement and its impact on South Carolina. Provide details and examples that support how this movement changed South Carolina.

I'd be happy to help you with your question about reform movements during the Progressive Era in South Carolina. Let's break it down into some steps:

Step 1: Choose a reform movement from the Progressive Era in South Carolina. Some possible options could include the suffrage movement, the temperance movement, the labor movement, or the education reform movement. Let me know which reform movement you'd like to focus on.

Step 2: Once you've selected a reform movement, describe it briefly. Explain its goals and objectives, the key individuals or organizations involved, and any notable events or strategies used.

Step 3: Discuss the impact of the chosen reform movement on South Carolina. Provide specific details and examples to support your analysis. Consider how it affected the state politically, socially, economically, or culturally. Did it lead to any changes in laws, attitudes, or practices?

Step 4: Wrap up your response by summarizing the key ways in which the chosen reform movement changed South Carolina. This could include highlighting the most significant shifts or reforms achieved, as well as any lasting legacies or ongoing influences.

Please let me know which reform movement you want to explore, and I can assist you further with each step.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your question about the Progressive Era and its impact on South Carolina. To begin, let's break down the steps to finding the answer:

1. Research the Progressive Era and familiarize yourself with the key reform movements of that time. The Progressive Era, which spanned roughly from the 1890s to the 1920s, was a period of social and political reform in the United States. It aimed to address various social issues and political corruption prevalent at the time.

2. Choose one particular reform movement from the Progressive Era that had an impact on South Carolina. Some of the major reform movements during this period include the Women's Suffrage Movement, the Temperance Movement, the Labor Movement, and the Conservation Movement, among others.

3. Once you've chosen a reform movement, examine the specific impact it had on South Carolina. Look for details and examples that illustrate how this movement brought about change and influenced the state.

4. Gather relevant information and examples that support your description of the movement's impact on South Carolina. You can refer to primary and secondary sources such as historical documents, books, scholarly articles, and websites to find specific examples or case studies that demonstrate the impact of the chosen reform movement on South Carolina.

5. Organize your thoughts and write a concise description of the chosen reform movement and its impact on South Carolina. Explain how the movement's goals were pursued in the state, the changes it brought about, and any notable individuals or events associated with the movement in South Carolina.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you should be able to provide a well-informed response to the question regarding a reform movement from the Progressive Era and its impact on South Carolina.