Two kids are building a rocket for science class. once the rocket is launched its height in feet, h(t) can be found using the function h(t)=-16t^2+128t where t represents time in seconds. They record the time from the moment the rocket launches until it falls to the ground.

(Is my work for this correct and I also need help with 'F'please)

a) Find the rocket at 3 seconds:
b)After how many seconds will the height be 112 feet?
t=7 and t=0
c)How long after launch does the rocket hit the ground?
d)find the maximum height reached by the rocket.
-b/2*a = -128/-16*2= -128/(-32)=4
f) graph height of function with your calculator.
How would I graph this?

(a) correct.

(b) correct
(c) correct
(d) max height is at t=4. But the question was, what is that height? h(4) = 256

No idea how to graph it with your calculator. The graph can be seen at^2%2B128t

Thank you. but how did you get 256? I tried plugging it back into the original h(4)=-16t+128t but I got 446


Did you try using

h(t) = -16t^2 + 128t


Oh I see what I did yes I got 256 thank you

To graph the height function h(t) = -16t^2 + 128t on your calculator, you can follow these steps:

1. Turn on your calculator and open the graphing function.

2. Enter the equation h(t) = -16t^2 + 128t into the calculator.

3. Choose the appropriate settings for the graph, such as the range of values for t and the scale of the axes.

4. Press the "Graph" or "Draw" button to plot the graph of the equation.

5. The graph will display the height of the rocket (h) on the vertical axis and the time (t) on the horizontal axis.

You can then examine the graph to analyze different aspects of the rocket's trajectory, such as the maximum height reached and the time it takes to hit the ground.