Which is the best way to clarify the sentence "The few arguments against pet ownership scarely need to be mentioned"?

A. Most people favor pet ownership, but the author believes that the arguments against it are strong.
B. Few people can provide reasons not to own a pet.
C. Most people favor pet ownership, so the author does not need to discuss arguments against it.
D. Few people can provide reasons to own a pet.



To clarify the sentence "The few arguments against pet ownership scarely need to be mentioned," we need to understand the intended meaning and analyze the given options.

The sentence suggests that the arguments against pet ownership are not very significant or relevant. So, the best way to clarify the sentence would be to choose an option that conveys this idea.

Let's analyze the given options:
A. This option suggests that the author believes the arguments against pet ownership are strong, which contradicts the original sentence. Hence, it is not the best way to clarify the sentence.
B. This option states that only a few people can provide reasons not to own a pet. Although it highlights the scarcity of arguments, it does not directly address the idea that these arguments do not need to be mentioned. So, it is not the best choice.
C. This option suggests that most people favor pet ownership, and therefore, the author does not need to discuss arguments against it. This aligns with the original sentence, implying that the few arguments against pet ownership are not worth mentioning. Thus, this option appears to be the best way to clarify the sentence.
D. This option states that few people can provide reasons to own a pet. Although it emphasizes the scarcity of arguments, it does not directly address the idea that the arguments against pet ownership are not significant. Therefore, it is not the best choice for clarification.

In conclusion, the best way to clarify the sentence "The few arguments against pet ownership scarely need to be mentioned" is option C: Most people favor pet ownership, so the author does not need to discuss arguments against it.