What are psychoanalytical models? How have these models been used to explain human behavior? Which model do you feel is the most effective in explaining human behavior? Why?


After reviewing the various models/theories, you have to decide which you think is most effective.

Psychoanalytical models are psychological theories and approaches developed by Sigmund Freud and his followers. These models aim to explain human behavior by exploring and interpreting the unconscious mind, childhood experiences, and the role of unconscious desires and conflicts in shaping behavior.

Psychoanalytical models have been used to explain human behavior in various ways:

1. Understanding unconscious motivations: These models suggest that our unconscious desires, fears, and conflicts influence our thoughts, emotions, and behavior. By uncovering and interpreting these unconscious processes, psychoanalytical models provide insights into why individuals behave the way they do.

2. Analyzing childhood experiences: According to psychoanalytical models, childhood experiences have a significant impact on our development and behavior as adults. Early relationships with parents and childhood traumas are seen as major factors influencing personality and behavior.

3. Exploring defense mechanisms: Psychoanalytical models propose that individuals use defense mechanisms to protect themselves from anxiety and distress caused by unconscious conflicts. Research and application of these models have led to a better understanding of defense mechanisms such as repression, projection, and denial.

4. Investigating dreams: Freud believed that dreams reveal unconscious desires and conflicts. Psychoanalytical models use dream analysis to gain insights into an individual's hidden thoughts and emotions.

5. Uncovering the role of the unconscious mind: Psychoanalytical models highlight the role of the unconscious mind in shaping behavior. Through techniques like free association and interpretation, therapists can access the unconscious and help individuals gain insight into their behavior.

Choosing the most effective psychoanalytical model to explain human behavior is subjective and depends on individual perspectives. Different models within the psychoanalytical framework, such as Freudian psychoanalysis, Jungian analytic psychology, and object relations theory, provide unique insights and approaches.

Some may argue that Freudian psychoanalysis is the most effective model as it was the foundation of the entire psychoanalytical field and laid the groundwork for understanding human behavior. Others may argue that newer models, such as object relations theory, offer a more comprehensive and contemporary understanding of human behavior.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of a model in explaining human behavior depends on the specific context, the individual being studied, and the goals of the analysis.