according to one count , the letter e makes up 1/8 of a typical document written in English a document contains 2800 letters .

about how many letters in the document are not e ?

7/8 * 2800 = ?

According to the given information, the letter "e" makes up 1/8 of the document.

To find out the number of letters that are not "e" in the document, we need to subtract the number of "e" letters from the total number of letters.

The number of "e" letters in the document can be calculated as (1/8) * 2800 = 350 letters.

Therefore, the number of letters that are not "e" in the document is 2800 - 350 = 2450 letters.

To find the number of letters in the document that are not "e", we first need to determine the number of "e" letters in the document.

According to the given information, the letter "e" makes up 1/8 of a typical document written in English. Therefore, we can calculate the number of "e" letters using the following steps:

1. Calculate the fraction of "e" letters in the document:
Fraction of "e" letters = 1/8

2. Multiply the fraction by the total number of letters in the document:
Number of "e" letters = (1/8) * 2800 = 350

Now that we know there are 350 "e" letters in the document, we can find the number of letters that are not "e" by subtracting this value from the total number of letters:

Number of letters not "e" = Total number of letters - Number of "e" letters
= 2800 - 350
= 2450

Therefore, there are 2,450 letters in the document that are not "e".