Estimating quotients for greater dividends.

812÷7 estimate to quotient


The approximate average distances from the sun to Earth and Mercury are listed below:

Earth: 1.5\times 10^{8}1.5×10
Mercury: 5.79\times 10^{7}5.79×10
How many times farther from the sun is Earth? Write your answer in standard notation, rounding to the nearest tenth.

This didn't answer my Question but keep up the good work : )

what is the quotient of 812 ÷ 7?

damn i asked this 9 years ago?

Yes, it seems like it! The quotient of 812 ÷ 7 is approximately 116. The exact quotient is 116 with a remainder of 4.

To estimate the quotient of 812 divided by 7, you can use compatible numbers.

Step 1: Identify the nearest compatible numbers. In this case, you can round 812 to 800 and 7 to 10.

Step 2: Divide the compatible numbers. Divide 800 by 10, which equals 80.

So, the estimated quotient of 812 ÷ 7 is approximately 80.