So I answered a couple of the questions about "The Boarded Window" by Ambrose Bierce. But can you help me with this please?

What in the text indicates the beliefs and values of the author?

I haven't read this story, but think about how you reacted -- positively or negatively or sadly or whatever -- to what the story's narrator says or describes. Write up your reactions to these things.

To determine the beliefs and values of the author, it is important to closely analyze the text and identify the elements that reflect the author's perspective. Here are a few steps to guide you in finding evidence to support your answer:

1. Read the text: Begin by reading "The Boarded Window" by Ambrose Bierce carefully and attentively. Take notes on any passages or statements that evoke the author's beliefs and values.

2. Identify themes: Consider the overarching themes or ideas explored in the story. Look for instances where the author expresses his opinion or provides commentary on these themes. For example, in "The Boarded Window," themes such as isolation, justice, and the effects of war can be observed.

3. Analyze character motivations: Examine the motivations and actions of the characters in the story. Determine whether these actions align with the author's beliefs or if they serve as a critique of certain behaviors or values.

4. Analyze the author's writing style: Pay attention to the author's writing style and tone. Look for any biases, irony, or sarcasm that may provide insight into the author's beliefs and values.

5. Look for social and historical context: Consider the time period in which the author wrote the story and any relevant historical or social factors that may have influenced their beliefs and values. This information can provide context for understanding the author's perspective.

6. Provide specific evidence: Once you have identified potential instances where the author's beliefs and values are reflected, provide specific quotes or passages from the text to support your analysis.

Remember, analyzing an author's beliefs and values involves making inferences based on the text, so it is important to provide evidence to support your interpretation.