Which of the following statements is true of a summary? article. topic.

A. A summary condenses the main points of an article.

B. A summary is quicker and easier to write than a longer original

C. A summary should not include evaluation and criticism.

D. A summary should direct the reader to additional information on the



I think its A too because a summary does condences the main points in a article.

Ms. Sue

You're such a savior. Thank you.

By the way. The answer is A.

T h a n k y o u M r s S u e

The correct answer is A. A summary condenses the main points of an article.

To determine the answer to this multiple-choice question, you can analyze each statement one by one.

Statement A states that a summary condenses the main points of an article. This is true, as a summary aims to capture the essential information and key ideas from the source material in a concise and condensed form.

Statement B suggests that a summary is quicker and easier to write than a longer original. While this can be true in some cases, it is not a universally applicable statement. The time and effort required to write a summary can vary depending on the complexity and length of the original article.

Statement C asserts that a summary should not include evaluation and criticism. This is generally true, as a summary focuses on presenting the main points and objective information rather than providing personal opinions or critiques.

Statement D states that a summary should direct the reader to additional information on the topic. This is not typically a characteristic of a summary. Instead, summaries aim to present a condensed version of the original article and may not include references to additional sources.

By considering each statement, you can determine that the correct answer is A.

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