Underline the adverb in the sentence

He worked hard and won the contest.

Should both hard and won be underlined?

Thank you

The only adverb is "hard." It tells how he worked.

This sentence has two verbs that tell what he did. He "worked" and "won."

In the sentence "He worked hard and won the contest," the adverb that should be underlined is "hard." The word "hard" modifies the verb "worked," indicating the intensity or manner of the action. "Won" is not an adverb; it is a past tense verb.

To identify adverbs in a sentence, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the verb in the sentence (in this case, "worked").
2. Ask "how?" or "in what manner?" to understand how the verb is performed.
3. Identify a word that answers the "how?" question, and that's likely the adverb.

In this sentence, "hard" answers the question "how did he work?" Thus, it is the adverb and should be underlined.