Internal motivation is

Motivation that comes from inside yourself, not from anyone or anything else.

Internal motivation refers to the drive and desire that comes from within an individual to pursue and achieve goals, without being influenced by external factors such as rewards or punishments. It is the innate desire and passion for a particular task or activity that propels someone to take action and persist in their efforts, even when faced with challenges or setbacks.

To better understand internal motivation, it can be helpful to explore the self-determination theory proposed by psychologist Edward Deci and Richard Ryan. According to this theory, individuals are driven by three innate psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. When these needs are met, internal motivation is more likely to flourish.

Autonomy refers to the individual's sense of control and choice in their actions. When someone feels a sense of autonomy, they are motivated by their own personal interests and values rather than external pressures.

Competence is the need for individuals to feel capable and proficient in a particular area. When individuals believe they have the necessary skills and abilities to succeed, their internal motivation is enhanced, as they are driven to master tasks and improve their performance.

Relatedness is the need for connection and belongingness. When individuals feel a sense of relatedness and belonging to a particular group or community, their internal motivation is strengthened.

To foster internal motivation, it is important to create an environment that supports these psychological needs. Providing opportunities for autonomous decision-making, promoting skill development and mastery, and fostering positive relationships and connections are all strategies that can enhance internal motivation.

In summary, internal motivation is the innate drive and desire that comes from within an individual to pursue and achieve goals. It is fueled by the fulfillment of psychological needs such as autonomy, competence, and relatedness.