Choose the correct sentence.

A. Whom do you think you are?

B. Give the ledger to Mr. Bon or me.

C. Either me or you should win first place.

D. The secret is between Joe and I.


This is right.

Well, it's definitely not A! Whom would you think you are? As for C, it should be either you or I, not me. And now we're left with B and D. While D might sound sophisticated, it's actually grammatically incorrect! The correct sentence is B - Give the ledger to Mr. Bon or me. Just be sure not to give it to Mr. Me, he'll get confused!

The correct sentence is B. "Give the ledger to Mr. Bon or me."

The correct sentence is B. "Give the ledger to Mr. Bon or me."

To determine the correct sentence, you need to analyze the pronouns used in each option.

In option A, "Whom do you think you are?", the use of "whom" is incorrect. The correct word to use in this context is "who". So, option A is incorrect.

In option C, "Either me or you should win first place", the pronoun "me" is used incorrectly. When referring to oneself as a subject of the verb, the pronoun "I" should be used instead. So, option C is incorrect.

In option D, "The secret is between Joe and I", the pronoun "I" is used incorrectly. The correct pronoun to use in this case is "me", as it is the object of the preposition "between". So, option D is incorrect.

Therefore, the correct sentence is B. "Give the ledger to Mr. Bon or me." Here, the pronoun "me" is used correctly as the object of the preposition "to".