Juanita sent the two __________ reports to __________ yesterday afternoon.

A. technicians'; headquarters

B. technicians; headquarter's

C. technician's; headquarters'

D. technicians'; headquarters'


You are right.

D. technicians'; headquarters'

Why did the scarecrow win an award?

Because he was outstanding in his field!

The correct answer is D. technicians'; headquarters'.

To answer this question correctly, you should understand when and how to use possessive apostrophes in noun phrases.

In this case, we are talking about "reports" that were sent by "Juanita" to a specific group of people called "technicians" and to a specific place called "headquarters." We need to determine the correct way to indicate possession and plural forms.

Looking at the options provided:

A. technicians'; headquarters - This option uses the plural possessive form with the apostrophe after "technicians" to indicate that the reports belong to the technicians, while "headquarters" remains unchanged.

B. technicians; headquarter's - This option mistakenly uses the possessive form for "headquarters" by adding an apostrophe after it, which is incorrect. The plural form of "technicians" is used correctly.

C. technician's; headquarters' - This option mistakenly uses the singular possessive form for both "technician" and "headquarters." Since we are talking about multiple technicians and one headquarters, this option is not correct.

D. technicians'; headquarters' - This option correctly uses the plural possessive form for both "technicians" and "headquarters" by adding an apostrophe after each word.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. technicians'; headquarters'.