The power to make choices and engage in actions that originate with ourselves is referred to as:

A. Free will

B. Objectivism.

C. Determination.

D. Predetermination.

What do you think?

Are you planning to make a career of criminal justice?

A. Free Will?

Right! :-)

The power to make choices and engage in actions that originate with ourselves is referred to as free will.

To arrive at this answer, one can first examine the definitions of the answer choices:

A. Free will: The ability to choose and act freely without external constraints.
B. Objectivism: A philosophical theory that states that reality exists independently of our perceptions or beliefs.
C. Determination: The idea that all events, including human actions, are ultimately caused by previous factors.
D. Predetermination: The belief that all events, including human actions, are already decided in advance.

By understanding the definitions of each term, we can eliminate options B (Objectivism) and C (Determination) as they do not directly align with the concept of personal agency in decision making.

Next, we can differentiate between options A (Free will) and D (Predetermination). Free will refers to the active exercise of independent choice, whereas predetermination implies that choices and actions are already predetermined. Since the question asks about the power to make choices that originate with ourselves, the concept of predetermination, which suggests that choices are predetermined, is inconsistent with the given statement.

Thus, the correct answer is A. Free will.