1. How do city police chiefs come to power?

A. They are elected by voters in specific districts.

B. They are appointed by the mayor or selected by the city council.

C. They are promoted up through the rank system.

D. They are appointed by the outgoing city police chief.

im confused between B n C

2. What is the largest jail in the world?
A. The New York City Jail

B. The London-Sussex Jail

C. The Los Angeles County Jail

D. The Bangkok City Jail

is it C

1. C

2. It's not C. Google Rikers Island.

1. How do city police chiefs come to power?

The answer is B. They are appointed by the mayor or selected by the city council.

To determine this answer, you can consider the following points:
A. Police chiefs are not typically elected by voters in specific districts. It is more common for positions such as mayor or city council to be elected.
B. Mayors or city councils hold the authority to appoint or select a police chief. This ensures that the police chief is accountable to the local government.
C. While it is possible for some police chiefs to be promoted up through the rank system within a police department, this is not the most common method of selection.
D. The outgoing city police chief does not typically have the authority to appoint their successor.

2. What is the largest jail in the world?
The answer is D. The Bangkok City Jail.

To determine this answer, you can consider the following options:
A. The New York City Jail is not the largest jail in the world.
B. The London-Sussex Jail does not exist in reality, so it cannot be the largest jail in the world.
C. The Los Angeles County Jail is one of the largest jails in the United States, but it is not the largest jail in the world.
D. The Bangkok City Jail in Thailand holds the distinction of being the largest jail in the world based on its sheer size and population.