Find the scale factor troy will to build his pool. The width is 625cm. The olympic pool is 50m long and 25m wide. Then find the length using the scale factor of troy pool

625cm/2500cm = 1:4

so, what's 5000/4 ?

To find the scale factor, first, we need to determine the ratio between the corresponding sides of the two pools.

In this case, we are given the width of Troy's pool, which is 625cm. The width of the Olympic pool is 25m, which is equivalent to 2500cm since 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters.

Now, to find the scale factor, we can divide the width of Troy's pool by the width of the Olympic pool:

Scale factor = Troy's pool width / Olympic pool width
= 625cm / 2500cm
= 0.25

So the scale factor for Troy's pool is 0.25.

To find the length of Troy's pool using this scale factor, we need to multiply the length of the Olympic pool by the scale factor:

Length of Troy's pool = Scale factor * Olympic pool length
= 0.25 * 50m
= 12.5m

Therefore, the length of Troy's pool, using the scale factor of 0.25, is 12.5 meters.