write 3x*2+8x-25 in the form a(x+h)*2+k where a,h and k are real numbers

formulae for h=b/2a
formulae for k=4ac-b^2/4a
4 (3)+ (-25)-8*2/4*3=-152/12=12.6


Idon't know!!! that's tooo hard!!

To write the expression 3x^2 + 8x - 25 in the form a(x + h)^2 + k, where a, h, and k are real numbers, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Group the quadratic terms (terms with x^2 and x) together.
In this case, we have 3x^2 + 8x.

Step 2: Find the coefficient of x^2.
In this case, the coefficient of x^2 is 3.

Step 3: Calculate the value of h using the formula h = -b / (2a).
Using the coefficient of x (8) and the coefficient of x^2 (3), we get h = -8 / (2 * 3) = -8 / 6 = -4 / 3 ≈ -1.33.

Step 4: Calculate the value of k using the formula k = 4ac - b^2 / (4a).
Using the coefficient of x^2 (3), the coefficient of x (8), and the constant term (-25), we get k = 4 * 3 * (-25) - 8^2 / (4 * 3) = -300 - 64 / 12 = -364 / 12 ≈ -30.33.

Step 5: Plug the values of h and k into the equation a(x + h)^2 + k.
The equation becomes 3(x - 4/3)^2 - 364/12.

Note: There seems to be a calculation mistake in the provided solution for the value of k. Instead of getting -152/12, it should be -364/12 as shown above.

To find the solutions of the quadratic equation, we can set the expression equal to zero and solve for x.

3(x - 4/3)^2 - 364/12 = 0

Simplifying, we get:

3(x - 4/3)^2 = 364/12

Dividing both sides by 3:

(x - 4/3)^2 = 364/36

Taking the square root of both sides:

x - 4/3 = ±√(364/36)

Simplifying the square root:

x - 4/3 = ±(√(364)/√(36))

x - 4/3 = ±(√(364)/6)

Adding 4/3 to both sides:

x = 4/3 ± (√(364)/6)

Simplifying further:

x = 4/3 + (√(364)/6) ≈ 4.22

x = 4/3 - (√(364)/6) ≈ 2.88

So, the solutions to the quadratic equation 3x^2 + 8x - 25 in the form a(x + h)^2 + k are approximately x = 4.22 and x = 2.88.