Standing at the edge of a cliff 240 m tall. You throw a ball into the air one directly upward at 5 m/a and another downward at -5 m/s. Use conservation energy to show that they will have the same speed at the bottom.

I know I have to do it twice.. And it should seem simple. I think I'm over thinking it. I know I need to use KEi+Ui=KEf+Uf

To use the conservation of energy principle and show that the two balls will have the same speed at the bottom of the cliff, we need to calculate the initial and final energies of each ball and compare them.

Let's start by calculating the initial and final energies of the ball thrown upward.

1. Initial energy (Ui):
The ball is thrown directly upward with an initial velocity of 5 m/s. Since it's thrown vertically, we can assume it starts at ground level, so the initial potential energy will be 0. The initial kinetic energy is given by 1/2 * mass * (initial velocity)^2.

Ui = 0 + 1/2 * m * (5 m/s)^2

2. Final energy (Uf):
When the ball reaches the bottom of the cliff, its potential energy will be maximum since it will be at the cliff's height of 240 m. The final kinetic energy will be 0 since the ball comes to rest at the bottom.

Uf = m * g * 240 m + 0

Next, let's calculate the initial and final energies of the ball thrown downward.

1. Initial energy (Ui):
The ball is thrown directly downward at a velocity of -5 m/s. Since it's thrown vertically, we can assume it starts at ground level, so the initial potential energy will be 0. The initial kinetic energy is given by 1/2 * mass * (initial velocity)^2.

Ui = 0 + 1/2 * m * (-5 m/s)^2

2. Final energy (Uf):
When the ball reaches the bottom of the cliff, its potential energy will be maximum since it will be at the cliff's height of 240 m. The final kinetic energy will be 0 since the ball comes to rest at the bottom.

Uf = m * g * 240 m + 0

Now, let's compare the initial and final energies of the two balls:

For the ball thrown upward:

Initial energy (Ui) = 1/2 * m * (5 m/s)^2
Final energy (Uf) = m * g * 240 m

For the ball thrown downward:

Initial energy (Ui) = 1/2 * m * (-5 m/s)^2
Final energy (Uf) = m * g * 240 m

We can observe that the initial energies are the same for both balls as they depend only on the square of the initial velocity. The final potential energies are also the same since the height is the same for both balls. As a result, according to the conservation of energy principle, the final kinetic energies of the two balls will be equal.

Therefore, both balls will have the same speed at the bottom of the cliff.