i think its C.

when does juan catch the bus for school?

Which of the following correctly names the subject and the verb of the sentence?

C.juan,does catch
D.when;does catch

Right. :-)

To determine the correct answer, we need to identify the subject and the verb in the sentence. The subject is the person or thing that performs the action of the verb. The verb is the action or state of being in the sentence. Let's analyze each option:

A. "juan;catch" - This option separates the subject and the verb with a semicolon. It is incorrect because the verb "catch" should be in the form of "catches" to agree with the third-person singular subject "juan."

B. "when;catch" - This option separates the subject and the verb with a semicolon. Additionally, "when" is not the subject of the sentence; it is a subordinating conjunction. This option is incorrect.

C. "juan,does catch" - This option correctly identifies the subject as "juan" and the verb as "does catch." However, the verb should be in the form of "catches" to agree with the third-person singular subject "juan." Therefore, this option is incorrect.

D. "when;does catch" - This option correctly identifies the subject as "when" and the verb as "does catch." The verb "does catch" is the correct form to agree with the third-person singular subject "when." Thus, this is the correct answer.

The correct answer is D. "when;does catch."