What were the negative impact or effects of the Incas and Aztecs?

Thank You

Negative impact on whom?

On the world or in general. I'm trying to argue the mayan civilization was the best and i need to know what negative effects did the Incas and Aztecs do.

Help me please.


The Incas and Aztecs were advanced civilizations with significant accomplishments, but it's important to acknowledge that there were negative impacts or effects associated with their rule. Let's discuss some of these negative aspects:

1. Forced Labor and Human Sacrifice: Both the Incas and Aztecs had systems that relied heavily on forced labor. This often amounted to the exploitation of conquered people, who were forced to work on massive construction projects, such as the building of cities, roads, and temples. Additionally, the Aztecs practiced human sacrifice as part of their religious beliefs, which involved killing and often mutilating captives.

2. Conquest and Expansion: The Incas and Aztecs were powerful empires that expanded through conquest. This led to the subjugation and displacement of many indigenous groups. The conquered people often lost their cultural identity, autonomy, and lands as a result.

3. Economic Inequality: Both empires had highly stratified societies with distinct social hierarchies. The ruling classes in both societies accumulated great wealth and held power over the lower classes. This created significant economic inequality, with the majority of the population having limited access to resources and opportunities.

4. Environmental Impact: The extensive agriculture systems implemented by both the Incas and Aztecs put a strain on the environment. Practices such as slash-and-burn agriculture and the construction of terraces caused deforestation and erosion, leading to long-term environmental damage.

5. Suppression of Local Cultures: The Incas and Aztecs imposed their own cultures, languages, and religions on the conquered regions. This often involved the suppression or eradication of local cultures, traditions, and languages, leading to the loss of diverse cultural heritage.

To learn more about the negative impacts and effects of the Incas and Aztecs, you can explore historical texts, academic articles, or consult digital resources like museum websites and reputable scholarly databases. It's essential to consider multiple perspectives and sources to form a well-rounded understanding.