Shelly is making tomato soup. A 1-pint can of tomato juice costs $0.90. A 1-quart can of tomato juice costs $1.65. Which is a better buy for one quart of juice? How much money will she save?

1 quart = 2 pints

Thanks for the hint :D

You're welcome.

To determine which is a better buy for one quart of juice, we need to compare the prices per quart for both the 1-pint can and the 1-quart can.

First, we need to convert the pint measurement to quarts since we are comparing prices for one quart of juice. There are 2 pints in 1 quart.

The price per quart for the 1-pint can:

0.90 USD / 2 pints = 0.45 USD per pint
0.45 USD * 2 pints = 0.90 USD per quart

The price per quart for the 1-quart can is already given as $1.65.

Comparing the prices per quart:

0.90 USD per quart (for the 1-pint can) vs 1.65 USD per quart (for the 1-quart can)

Since the 1-quart can costs less per quart than the 1-pint can, it is the better buy for one quart of juice.

To calculate how much money Shelly will save, we need to find the price difference between the 1-pint can and the 1-quart can.

Price difference:
1.65 USD - 0.90 USD = 0.75 USD

Therefore, Shelly will save $0.75 by purchasing a 1-quart can instead of two 1-pint cans.