The half-life of 232Th is 1.4 * 10^10. Find the number of disintegrations per hour emitted by 1 mil of 232Th in 1 min.

1.4E10 what?

What is mil?

To find the number of disintegrations per hour emitted by 1 million (1 mil) of 232Th in 1 minute, we can use the formula:

Number of disintegrations per hour = (Number of atoms) * (Disintegration constant)

First, let's calculate the number of atoms in 1 million (1 mil) of 232Th.

1 mole of a substance contains Avogadro's constant (6.022 * 10^23) atoms.

The molar mass of 232Th is 232 g/mol. So, 232 g of 232Th contains Avogadro's constant (6.022 * 10^23) atoms.

Since 1 million (1 mil) is equivalent to 1 * 10^6, we can calculate the number of atoms in 1 million (1 mil) of 232Th as follows:

Number of atoms = (1 * 10^6) * (6.022 * 10^23) / (232 * 10^(-3))

Next, we need to calculate the disintegration constant.

The half-life of 232Th is given as 1.4 * 10^10 years. To convert this to hours, we need to multiply by the following conversion factors:

1 year = 365.25 days (accounting for leap years)
1 day = 24 hours

So, the conversion factor is:

(1.4 * 10^10 years) * (365.25 days/year) * (24 hours/day)

Now, we can calculate the number of disintegrations per hour:

Number of disintegrations per hour = (Number of atoms) * (Disintegration constant)

Finally, since we want the number of disintegrations per hour emitted by 1 million (1 mil) of 232Th in 1 minute, we need to divide the result by 60 (since there are 60 minutes in an hour).

I hope this explanation helps!