

The equation you provided, y = -x, represents a linear relationship between two variables, y and x. In this equation, every value of y is the negative of its corresponding value of x.

To understand this equation better, let's break it down:

y represents the dependent variable, meaning its value depends on the value of x.

x represents the independent variable, meaning it can take any value.

The negative sign in front of x means that y is the opposite sign of x. So, if x is positive, y will be negative, and vice versa.

To find the value of y for a given value of x, simply substitute the value of x into the equation and calculate y.

For example, if x = 2, then y = -2. If x = -4, then y = 4.

The equation y = -x can also be graphed as a straight line with a slope of -1. Each point on this line represents a pair of x and y values that satisfy the equation.