Using the equation Zeff=Z−S and assuming that core electrons contribute 1.00 and valence electrons contribute 0.00 to the screening constant, S, calculate Zeff for the 2p electrons in both ions.

To calculate Zeff (effective nuclear charge) for the 2p electrons in both ions, we need to know the values of Z (atomic number) and S (screening constant) for each ion.

The equation Zeff = Z - S is used to determine the effective nuclear charge experienced by electrons in an atom or ion. The effective nuclear charge takes into account the shielding caused by inner electrons.

In this case, we are assuming that core electrons contribute 1.00 to the screening constant (S) and valence electrons contribute 0.00 to S.

Let's consider the ions one by one:

1. For the first ion:
- We need to know the atomic number (Z) and the number of core electrons (c) and valence electrons (v).
- Let's assume Z = 8 (for oxygen).
- For oxygen, the electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p4. This means it has 2 core (inner) electrons and 6 valence electrons.
- The screening constant (S) can be calculated as: S = c * 1.00 + v * 0.00.
- Substituting the values, S = 2 * 1.00 + 6 * 0.00 = 2.00.
- Finally, Zeff = Z - S = 8 - 2.00 = 6.00.

2. For the second ion:
- We also need to know the atomic number (Z) and the number of core electrons (c) and valence electrons (v).
- Let's assume Z = 14 (for silicon).
- For silicon, the electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2. This means it has 10 core electrons and 4 valence electrons.
- The screening constant (S) can be calculated as: S = c * 1.00 + v * 0.00.
- Substituting the values, S = 10 * 1.00 + 4 * 0.00 = 10.00.
- Finally, Zeff = Z - S = 14 - 10.00 = 4.00.

Therefore, for the 2p electrons in the first ion, Zeff is 6.00 and for the 2p electrons in the second ion, Zeff is 4.00.