Estimate the quotient.


2. 231/37

My answer is 1. 200/20=10
2. 200/40=5

Did I find the correct estimates for these problems?

Yes. Good job!

Thanks. For 255/81, my answer is 400/80=5. Do I have correct answer?

Why did you use 400?

I should have said 240/80=3 because 400 is not close to 255.

Yes. That's much better. :-)

To estimate the quotient, you can round the dividend and divisor to the nearest ten, hundred, or any other place value depending on the desired level of accuracy.

Let's estimate the quotient for both problems:

1. For 1.175/18, you can round 1.175 to 1.2 (nearest tenth) and 18 to 20 (nearest ten). Now divide 1.2 by 20: 1.2 / 20 = 0.06. So, the estimate for this problem is 0.06.

2. For 231/37, you can round 231 to 230 (nearest ten) and 37 to 40 (nearest ten). Now divide 230 by 40: 230 / 40 = 5.75. So, the estimate for this problem is 5.75.

Therefore, your estimates are slightly off:

1. The correct estimate is 0.06, not 10.
2. The correct estimate is 5.75, not 5.

Make sure to round both the dividend and divisor before performing the division to get accurate estimates.