1. Based on reading only the title and headings, what would you think the article was about? (1 point)

a renewed interest in hunting and fishing
an animal population with an uncertain future
the threat logging poses to forest animals
a group of dinosaurs roaming a local neighborhood
2. Which of these provides the best summary of the section titled “Victims of Disappearing Habitat”? (1 point)
Ivory-billed woodpeckers live in old-growth forests. They feed on beetle larvae and live in big, dead trees. They mostly live in areas along rivers in southeastern Arkansas.
The habitats of ivory-bill woodpeckers have been largely wiped out by logging companies. Scientists discovered that some ivory-bills remain in a few untouched forests in Arkansas. They kept this discovery a secret, fearing that tourism would hurt the birds’ habitat.
Two biologists found ivory-billed woodpeckers in a remote area of Arkansas in 2004. Tourists have been working with scientists to help preserve the habitats of ivory-bills, because these birds are in danger of becoming extinct.
Ivory-bills are the largest woodpeckers in America. Scientists found a suitable place for the birds to live and brought the woodpeckers there in 2004. Now, tourists enjoy viewing the birds in remote forests in Arkansas.
3. What can you learn by only previewing this article? (1 point)
Scientists were afraid news of the woodpeckers’ rediscovery would cause a stampede of tourists.
Scientists still have many unanswered questions about ivory-billed woodpeckers.
The scientists who rediscovered ivory-bills burst into tears when they heard one.
Scientists and locals have different opinions about the tourism boom in the areas where the birds live.
4. Which sentence from the article best illustrates the scientists’ uncertainty about the birds’ future? (1 point)
The last positive sighting of an ivory-bill had been 60 years earlier, in 1944.
The ivory-bills are a financial bonanza.
As the old forests were logged, the birds gradually disappeared.
They were afraid the news of its rediscovery would cause a stampede into the area, which they wanted to avoid until they could be sure there was a healthy population of the birds.
5. In paragraph 3, the author uses the phrase “grace the planet” to show that the woodpeckers (1 point)
have very beautiful feathers.
are not in fact extinct.
move gracefully in the air.
were thought to have left the world.
6. Which word gives the best clue to the tone of the last section of the article? (1 point)
Short Answer
7. What details support the idea that scientists and everyday citizens have different responses to the rediscovery of the ivory-bills? (5 points)

Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.
Flitting, flickering, flashing
black, white, and a note of red
passes beneath trees
that were already old at the end
of the Civil War.
The lovely departed species
announces its fearless
refusal to cease to be.
And as we stand in awe of life's
determination, it hammers
its note of hope against the
dead dry bark that sleeves a meal.
Can an old being be resurrected?
Can a people be saved?
And at what cost?
8. In the poem, the ivory-billed woodpecker could symbolize all of the following except (1 point)
9. Which literary element appears at the beginning of line 1? (1 point)
10. How are lines 6–8 an example of personification? (1 point)
The woodpeckers are described as departed, but they are alive.
The lines create a vivid image of the woodpecker’s cry.
The woodpecker is compared to something lovely.
Announcing things is something humans do, not animals.
11. What is the tone of this poem? (1 point)
12. Based on the article, the poem, and what you have learned elsewhere, who do you think loses when a plant or animal species becomes extinct? Is that price always too high, or do you think there are times when the needs of humans outweigh those of other species? Support your answer with reasons and examples. (10 points)

13. If a link is not conclusive, it is (1 point)
14. If someone is clamoring to get somewhere, she most likely feels (1 point)
15. What is an example of something that is indelible? (1 point)
a smear of dirt on a rug
a tattoo of a tiger
a painting of an ocean scene
gum stuck to the bottom of a shoe
16. A person would likely want to obscure (1 point)
a pimple.
a good grade.
a painting.
17. Which of these is ripened? (1 point)
a peach that has become moldy
a banana that is still a bit green
a plum that is just soft enough to eat
an apple that has just begun to grow on the branch
For questions 18 and 19, refer to the passage below:

Some of the best Gothic writers was women. My mother’s book club admires Ann Radcliffe. Neither she nor Mary Shelley are particularly well known. However, both have given us classics in the genre. Hasn’t you read The Mysteries of Udolpho? That Radcliffe novel from the late eighteenth century still seem scary today.

Directions: Choose the best way to write the underlined word given in the question. If an underlined part contains no error, choose d.
18. are (1 point)
are being
no error
19. seem (1 point)
are seeming
have seemed
no error
For questions 20 and 21, refer to the passage below:

I will never forget the first time I have gone to the ocean with my family. My brother and I were five and seven years old. My parents took us on the Ferris wheel on the pier and are buying us popcorn and cotton candy. A shell I got from a souvenir shop still sits on my dresser. Even today, when I put my ear to it, I have heard the sound of the ocean.

Directions: Choose the best way to write the underlined word given in the question. If an underlined part contains no error, choose d.
20. have gone (1 point)
am going
no error
21. have heard (1 point)
has heard
was hearing
no error
For questions 22 and 23, refer to the passage below:

Do you know what you wanted to be when you grow up? For a little while, I think I wished to be a psychologist. I am respecting people who devote their lives to helping people, and I am interested in how the mind works. Now, though, I believed I might want to be a guidance counselor. Has you figured out what you want to be?

Directions: Choose the best way to write the underlined word given in the question. If an underlined part contains no error, choose d.
22. think (1 point)
have thought
am thinking
no error
23. am respecting (1 point)
no error

Do you expect me to guess when I don't know what article you've supposedly read?

Do you really expect me to do the rest of this test for you???



The point of this site is to help you understand the work you are doing. I do not even think chick gave the right answers. Oh and just so you know dfca means Daniel from Connections Academy

1. Based on reading only the title and headings, I would think the article is about a renewed interest in hunting and fishing. However, to confirm this, it is important to read the rest of the article to gather more information.

2. The best summary of the section titled "Victims of Disappearing Habitat" is: The habitats of ivory-billed woodpeckers have been largely wiped out by logging companies. Scientists discovered that some ivory-bills remain in a few untouched forests in Arkansas. They kept this discovery a secret, fearing that tourism would hurt the birds' habitat.

3. By only previewing this article, you can learn that scientists were afraid news of the woodpeckers' rediscovery would cause a stampede of tourists. This is mentioned in the answer to question 2.

4. The sentence "They were afraid the news of its rediscovery would cause a stampede into the area, which they wanted to avoid until they could be sure there was a healthy population of the birds" best illustrates the scientists' uncertainty about the birds' future. This uncertainty is due to the fear of causing potential harm to the birds' habitat before they can confirm a healthy population.

5. In paragraph 3, the author uses the phrase "grace the planet" to show that the woodpeckers were thought to have left the world. This phrase implies that the woodpeckers were believed to be extinct, but their rediscovery proves otherwise.

6. The word "uncertain" gives the best clue to the tone of the last section of the article. This suggests that there is still uncertainty about the future of the ivory-billed woodpeckers.

7. Details that support the idea that scientists and everyday citizens have different responses to the rediscovery of the ivory-bills include:
- Scientists kept the discovery of the ivory-bills a secret, fearing that tourist activity would harm the birds' habitat.
- Everyday citizens, including tourists, have been working with scientists to help preserve the habitats of ivory-bills, indicating their interest and support in the conservation efforts.

8. In the poem, the ivory-billed woodpecker could symbolize all of the following except despair. The poem portrays the woodpecker as a symbol of life, hope, and persistence.

9. The literary element that appears at the beginning of line 1 is alliteration. The words "Flitting, flickering, flashing" all start with the same letter, creating an alliterative effect.

10. Lines 6-8 are not an example of personification. Instead, they create a vivid image of the woodpecker's cry.

11. The tone of this poem is hopeful. The poem emphasizes the woodpecker's determination and asks questions about resurrection and salvation, indicating a sense of hope.

12. The answer to this question requires personal opinion and supporting reasons and examples. Please provide your own response based on the information provided.

13. If a link is not conclusive, it is uncertain. The term "conclusive" means final or definitive, so if a link is not conclusive, it means there is uncertainty or lack of certainty.

14. If someone is clamoring to get somewhere, she most likely feels excited. The word "clamoring" suggests a strong desire or eagerness, often associated with excitement.

15. An example of something that is indelible is a tattoo of a tiger. The term "indelible" means unable to be erased or removed, so a tattoo fits this description.

16. A person would likely want to obscure a pimple. The word "obscure" means to hide, conceal, or make less visible, so a person would want to obscure a pimple to make it less noticeable.

17. The ripened item is a plum that is just soft enough to eat. Ripened means fully matured or ready for consumption, so a plum that is just soft enough to eat is ripened.

18. The correct way to write the underlined word "are" is "were." This is because the sentence is referring to past events, and "were" is the past tense form of the verb "to be."

19. The correct way to write the underlined word "seem" is "seems." This is because the subject of the sentence, "novel," is singular, so the verb should match in singular form.

20. The correct way to write the underlined phrase "have gone" is "went." This is because the sentence is referring to a specific past event, and the past tense form of the verb "to go" is "went."

21. The correct way to write the underlined phrase "have heard" is "hear." This is because the sentence is in present tense, and the verb "to hear" should be in its base form.

22. The correct way to write the underlined word "think" is "thought." This is because the sentence is referring to a past belief or opinion, and "thought" is the past tense form of the verb "to think."

23. The correct way to write the underlined phrase "am respecting" is "respecting." This is because the sentence is referring to the present action of respecting, and the verb "to respect" should be in its base form.