The ratio of Steve's age to Tims age is 6:7. If Steve is 84, how old is Tim?

6/7 = 84/x

6x = 588

x = 98

To find out Tim's age, we first need to determine the value of the ratio between Steve's age and Tim's age.

The given ratio is 6:7, which means that for every 6 units of Steve's age, there are 7 units of Tim's age. Since we know that Steve is 84 years old, we can use this information to find Tim's age.

To do this, we can set up a proportion:

Steve's age / Tim's age = Ratio

84 / Tim's age = 6 / 7

We can then solve for Tim's age by cross-multiplying:

6 * Tim's age = 7 * 84

6 * Tim's age = 588

Now, we can isolate Tim's age by dividing both sides of the equation by 6:

Tim's age = 588 / 6

Tim's age = 98

Therefore, Tim is 98 years old.