Is it a test on paper or can I look at notes and answer questions?

Do I have to dissect something, have the TA ask me a question and answer instead of dissecting as a group? I've just been quizzing myself on parts of the animal in case we can't use notes, but I don't know how it will go.

To determine whether you can use notes or if it's an individual or group activity, you should refer to your class syllabus or ask your teacher or TA directly. They will be able to provide you with the specific guidelines for the test or activity.

If you are unsure about whether you'll be allowed to use notes during the test, it is always a good idea to prepare for both scenarios: one where you can use notes, and one where you cannot. Here are a few suggestions on how to best prepare:

1. Review your notes: Go through your class notes, textbooks, or any other relevant study materials to refresh your understanding of the subject matter. Take note of key concepts, definitions, and important information.

2. Practice recall: Instead of merely reviewing your notes passively, actively engage with the material by testing yourself. Start by covering up the notes and attempting to write down or explain key concepts from memory. This practice will help reinforce your understanding and improve your ability to recall information during the test.

3. Create study aids: Summarize your notes in your own words and create study aids such as flashcards or diagrams to help you review essential information. These aids can be useful during studying and may even be permitted during the test if notes are allowed.

4. Seek clarification: If you're unsure about any specific topic or question, don't hesitate to reach out to your teacher or TA for clarification. They will be able to provide guidance and address any concerns you may have.

Remember, it's always best to be prepared for various scenarios, so put in the effort to study and practice in a way that suits your learning style and class requirements.