started writing essay on "The Undomestic Goddess" how people try to run away from their mistakes only to have them haunt them later. Samantha ran away fro her problems. Having a hard time writing enough substance about this.

Isn't this book a light, cute, romance story? And you are trying to find substance in it? Hmmmm.

I don't know if you will find substance in light, cute, romantic fiction. It was not meant to be taken seriously. In your case, see if you can develop parallels in your or other lives (Tom Sawyer comes to mind). What about Bill Clinton and the little white lie he told? Or President Nixon, where little lies led to bigger lies, which led to great lies.
If I were you, I would work along this line, as to me, the book is pretty light reading.

While "The Undomestic Goddess" may indeed be a light, cute, romance story, it is important to remember that even within such genres, meaningful themes can still be explored. In this case, one theme that can be explored is how people often try to escape from their mistakes, only to have them catch up with them later.

To develop substance in your essay, you can analyze the character of Samantha, the protagonist in the book, and examine the choices she makes in running away from her problems. By comparing Samantha's actions to real-life examples, you can add depth to your analysis.

For example, you can draw parallels to Tom Sawyer from Mark Twain's novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." Both characters engage in escapism, trying to avoid facing the consequences of their actions. By exploring how these characters attempt to evade their mistakes, you can delve into the psychological reasons behind such behavior.

Moreover, you can incorporate real-life examples, such as the case of former US President Bill Clinton, who infamously attempted to cover up his affair with Monica Lewinsky by lying under oath. This example demonstrates how individuals in positions of power may try to escape the repercussions of their actions through deception.

Another relevant example is the Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. Initially, it began with small lies and efforts to cover up the truth, which eventually snowballed into a massive web of deceit and led to his downfall. This case highlights how running away from mistakes can have serious consequences and ultimately haunt individuals in positions of authority.

By comparing Samantha's choices to these real-life examples, you can provide substance to your essay by showing that the theme of trying to escape from mistakes is not limited to the realm of light fiction. This approach allows you to explore deeper insights and generate meaningful discussion, even within a seemingly lighthearted story.