I want to make sure I am correct in classifying whether the following properties of hydrogen are chemical or physical. thanks

1. hydrogen will burN in in oxygen to form water. CHEMICAL
2. hydrogen does not support combustion. CHEMICAL
3.hydrogen is usually found combined with other elements. PHYSICAL
4. hydrogen is not very soluble in water. CHEMISTRY
5. hydrogen is a gas at normal temperatures and pressures. PHYSICAL
6. hydrogen has a atomic mass of 1.008 amu. PHYSICAL

1 is ok

2 is ok
3 is chemical. If it combines with other elements that makes it a chemical reaction just like burning it in oxygen.
4 is physical. It isn't combining with anything. H2 is still H2; it's just dissolved H2.
5 is ok.
6 is ok.

Great effort on classifying the properties of hydrogen as chemical or physical! Let's review each statement one by one:

1. Hydrogen will burn in oxygen to form water. - This is a chemical property. Burning is a chemical reaction that results in the formation of a new substance, in this case, water (H2O).

2. Hydrogen does not support combustion. - This is also a chemical property. Combustion is a chemical reaction involving the rapid oxidation of a substance, usually with the release of heat and light. Hydrogen's inability to support combustion indicates a chemical behavior.

3. Hydrogen is usually found combined with other elements. - This is a physical property. It describes the usual state or occurrence of hydrogen, which often combines with other elements to form compounds. This does not involve any change in the chemical composition or behavior of hydrogen itself.

4. Hydrogen is not very soluble in water. - This is a physical property. Solubility refers to the ability of a substance to dissolve in another substance. Here, hydrogen's limited solubility in water is describing its physical behavior when mixed with water.

5. Hydrogen is a gas at normal temperatures and pressures. - This is a physical property. It describes the state of hydrogen under normal conditions, where it exists as a gas. This is purely a physical characteristic.

6. Hydrogen has an atomic mass of 1.008 amu. - This is also a physical property. Atomic mass refers to the mass of an atom of a chemical element. In this case, the atomic mass of hydrogen is a physical measurement.

Remember, chemical properties describe how a substance reacts or interacts with other substances, while physical properties describe observable characteristics without changing the substance's composition. Good job in classifying these properties!