1.) Resilient people usually

a. complain when they have bad luck.
b. bring good luck to others.
c. are able to deal with setbacks.

• My Answer: (B- brings good luck to others.)

2.) When the speaker refers to pausing to “enjoy the view / of the trees and the flowers below,” he really is talking about

a. looking down at the view from the mountain.
b. giving up the struggle to just focus on his past successes.
c. being inspired by the beauty of the scenery.
d. taking pleasure in the challenges he’s already overcome.

• My Answer: (C- being inspired by the beauty of the scenery.)

3.) Why can there be “a surprising upside to life’s downturns”?

a. They can make you a different person.
b. They can keep you from becoming stronger.
c. They can make you realize that you can get through anything.
d. They can keep you from depending on others except during emergencies.

• My Answer: (C- They can make you realize that you can get through anything.)

4.) Which of the sentences below using direct address is punctuated correctly?

a. “Please come with me, Sarah and Tom, to pick Mom’s birthday present.”
b. “Please come with me, Sarah and Tom to pick Mom’s birthday present.”
c. “Please come with me, Sarah, and Tom to pick Mom’s birthday present.”
d. “Please come with me Sarah and Tom, to pick Mom’s birthday present.”

• My Answer: (A- “Please come with me, Sarah and Tom, to pick Mom’s birthday present.”)

1. is wrong. The others are right.

Here is the poem for # 2:

Another Mountain

Sometimes there’s a mountain
that I must climb
even after I’ve climbed one already
But my legs are tired now
and my arms need a rest
my mind is too wary right now
But I must climb before the storm comes
before the earth rocks
and an avalanche of clouds buries me
and smothers my soul
And so I prepare myself for another climb
Another Mountain
and I tell myself it is nothing
it is just some more dirt and stone
and every now and then I should reach
another plateau and enjoy the view
of the trees and the flowers below
And I am young enough to climb
and strong enough to make it to any top
You see the wind has warned me
about settling too long
about peace without struggle
The wind has warned me
and taught me how to fly
But my wings only work
After I’ve climbed a mountain

is #1 is:

a. complain when they have bad luck.

Thanks for that poem, but I read it a few days ago.

I'm sorry you didn't look up the meaning of resilient.


Your Welcome, and thanks I got the answer already!

1.) The correct answer is (c) are able to deal with setbacks.

To determine this, we need to understand the definition of resilience. Resilience refers to a person's ability to bounce back from difficult situations and setbacks. This means that resilient people are able to adapt and cope with challenges in a positive way. Option (a) is incorrect because complaining indicates a negative reaction rather than resilience. Option (b) is not related to the concept of resilience. Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.

To reach this conclusion, we can use our understanding of the term 'resilient' and eliminate the options that do not align with the definition. Understanding the meaning of key terms and concepts is essential in answering questions correctly.

2.) The correct answer is (d) taking pleasure in the challenges he's already overcome.

To determine this, we need to analyze the context and the speaker's intention. The speaker refers to pausing to "enjoy the view / of the trees and the flowers below." This suggests that the speaker is reflecting on the journey or struggles they've experienced and finding joy in the progress they've made. Option (a) is incorrect because it focuses on looking down at the view rather than reflecting on past successes. Option (b) is not supported by the context and suggests giving up rather than finding inspiration. Option (c) is related to the beauty of the scenery but does not capture the speaker's intention of reflecting on personal progress. Therefore, option (d) is the correct answer.

In this case, interpreting the speaker's words in the given context and understanding the underlying emotions and motives helps us determine the correct answer.

3.) The correct answer is (a) They can make you a different person.

To determine this, we need to consider the potential positive outcomes of life's downturns. It is important to note that different individuals may experience different outcomes, but option (a) captures a common result of challenging experiences. Life's downturns can lead to personal growth and transformation, thereby making a person different as a result. Option (b) suggests that life's challenges prevent personal growth, which contradicts the idea of resilience. Option (c) is also a possible outcome, but it does not encompass the broader scope of how downturns can change a person. Option (d) implies a self-reliant attitude rather than a transformative effect. Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer.

To determine the correct answer in this case, we need to evaluate the given options based on an understanding of how challenging experiences can impact an individual's character and perspective.

4.) The correct answer is (a) "Please come with me, Sarah and Tom, to pick Mom's birthday present."

To determine this, we need to evaluate the punctuation and structure of the sentence. Direct addresses, such as mentioning someone's name, need to be set off by commas. In this case, the correct sentence follows the pattern of including the names of the individuals being addressed, followed by commas to separate the names from the rest of the sentence. Option (a) correctly places commas before and after "Sarah and Tom." Option (b) does not include any commas, which is incorrect. Option (c) includes a comma after "Sarah" but fails to include one before "Tom." Option (d) incorrectly places a comma after "Sarah and Tom." Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer.

To determine the correct punctuation in the sentence, it is important to understand the rules surrounding direct address and how commas are used to separate the names being addressed from the rest of the sentence.