Maria's average speed for a 6 hour trip was 40kph. For the first 4 hours, she drove at an average rate of 50kph. What was her average speed for the last 2 hours?

let her speed for the last two hours be x km/h

total distance = 6(40) = 240 km

4(50) + 2(x) = 240
2x = 40
x = 20

speed of last part = 20 km/h

To find Maria's average speed for the last 2 hours, we can use the formula:

Average speed = Total distance / Total time.

We know that the total time for the trip is 6 hours, and the average speed for the entire trip is 40 kph.

So, the total distance traveled by Maria is:
Total distance = Average speed x Total time
Total distance = 40 kph x 6 hours
Total distance = 240 km.

To find the distance Maria covered in the first 4 hours, we can use the formula:
Distance = Speed x Time.

Distance for the first 4 hours = 50 kph x 4 hours
Distance for the first 4 hours = 200 km.

Therefore, the distance Maria covered in the last 2 hours is:
Distance for the last 2 hours = Total distance - Distance for the first 4 hours
Distance for the last 2 hours = 240 km - 200 km
Distance for the last 2 hours = 40 km.

Now, we can calculate the average speed for the last 2 hours:
Average speed for the last 2 hours = Distance for the last 2 hours / Time for the last 2 hours
Average speed for the last 2 hours = 40 km / 2 hours.
Average speed for the last 2 hours = 20 kph.

Therefore, Maria's average speed for the last 2 hours of the trip was 20 kph.

To find Maria's average speed for the last 2 hours, we need to use the formula:

Average speed = Total distance ÷ Total time

Let's break down the problem and calculate Maria's average speed for the entire 6-hour trip step by step:

1. In the first 4 hours, Maria drove at an average rate of 50 kph. To find the distance traveled during this period, we multiply the average speed by the time:

Distance = Average speed × Time
Distance = 50 kph × 4 hours = 200 km

2. The total distance for the 6-hour trip is unknown, so we'll represent it as D.

3. The remaining 2 hours of the trip make up the difference between the total 6-hour trip and the 4 hours already accounted for. So the remaining time is 6 hours - 4 hours = 2 hours.

Now, let's use the average speed formula to find Maria's average speed for the entire trip:

Average speed = Total distance ÷ Total time

Since her average speed for the entire trip was given as 40 kph, we have:

40 kph = (200 km + D) ÷ 6 hours

To isolate D (the distance traveled during the last 2 hours), we can multiply both sides of the equation by 6:

240 = 200 km + D

Subtracting 200 km from both sides, we get:

D = 240 - 200 = 40 km

Now that we know the distance traveled in the last 2 hours is 40 km, we can calculate Maria's average speed for the last 2 hours using the formula:

Average speed = Total distance ÷ Total time

Average speed = 40 km ÷ 2 hours = 20 kph

Therefore, Maria's average speed for the last 2 hours was 20 kph.