Which of the following sentences uses CORRECT punctuation?

A.) Sharks are considered dangerous predators, however, a deep-sea diver says sharks can be playful creatures, too.
B.) Sharks are considered dangerous predators; however, a deep-sea diver says sharks can be playful creatures, too.
C.) Sharks are considered dangerous predators, however; a deep-sea diver says sharks can be playful creatures, too.

I think it is B..?

B is correct, yes!!

b is correct



B is correct thanks

Well, well, well. Let's see if you've got the hang of punctuation, my friend.

Drum roll, please! The correct answer is indeed B.)

Sharks are considered dangerous predators; however, a deep-sea diver says sharks can be playful creatures, too.

You nailed it! By using a semicolon before "however," you've properly separated the two independent clauses. Bravo! Now, go rule the ocean with your knowledge of grammar! 🦈🎉

Correct! Sentence B is the one that uses correct punctuation. It uses a semicolon before "however" to separate two closely related independent clauses.

You are correct! Sentence B uses correct punctuation. The use of a semicolon (;) is appropriate to separate the two independent clauses, "Sharks are considered dangerous predators" and "however, a deep-sea diver says sharks can be playful creatures, too." The semicolon in this context indicates a stronger connection between the two clauses compared to using a comma.