Consider a firm with the following production function:

q = (ak+bl)^(1/2)

The firm's total costs can be written as C = F + rk + wl

1. Calculate the firm's contingent factor demand. Illustrate it in a graph including the firm's isoquant map

2. Assume that r/w > a/b. Find the firm's long-run cost function.

This might be ridiculously easy but i just can't wrap my head around it.

For the first question i calculated the cost-minimization to:
w/r = b/a = RTS
Which would make the capital and labour perfect substitutes and the isoquant will be a straight line with the slope -b/a

But how do i find the contingent factor demand?
Normally the cost-minimization can be solved to find optimal values of l and k.

I'd really appreciate some help on this

To find the firm's contingent factor demand, we need to solve the cost-minimization problem by finding the optimal values of labor (L) and capital (K) that minimize the total cost (C).

First, let's write the firm's cost function as:
C = F + rK + wL

Next, we can rewrite the production function as:
q = (aK + bL)^(1/2)

To minimize the cost, we need to find the values of L and K that satisfy the production function while minimizing the total cost.

To illustrate this in a graph, we can plot the isoquant map, which shows different combinations of K and L that produce the same level of output (q). The slope of the isoquant indicates the rate at which one input can be substituted for the other while keeping output constant.

Now, let's solve for the contingent factor demand step-by-step:

Step 1: Rewrite the production function as a function of K:
q = (aK + bL)^(1/2)
Square both sides:
q^2 = aK + bL

Step 2: Solve for L in terms of q and K:
bL = q^2 - aK
L = (q^2 - aK)/b

Step 3: Substitute the value of L into the cost function:
C = F + rK + w[(q^2 - aK)/b]

Step 4: Differentiate C with respect to K:
dC/dK = (r - aw/b) + w(-a/b)
dC/dK = r - a(r/w)K - (aw/b)

Step 5: Set dC/dK equal to zero and solve for K:
0 = r - a(r/w)K - (aw/b)
a(r/w)K = r - (aw/b)
K = (r - (aw/b))/(a(r/w))

Step 6: Substitute the value of K back into the L equation:
L = (q^2 - aK)/b
L = (q^2 - a[(r - (aw/b))/(a(r/w))])/b

Step 7: Simplify the expression for L:
L = (q^2(b + (rw - aw))/(baw))/b
L = (q^2(b + rw - aw))/(b^2aw)

Now, we have the expressions for the firm's contingent factor demand for labor (L) and capital (K). You can plot these equations on a graph along with the isoquant map to illustrate the firm's optimal factor choices.

Regarding the second question, if r/w > a/b, it means that the price of capital (r) is greater than the price of labor (w) relative to their marginal products (a and b). In this case, the firm will choose to use more labor-intensive production techniques in the long run.

To find the firm's long-run cost function, you would need more information about the functional form of the cost function (F) and whether there are any constraints on the inputs K and L. Without additional information, it is not possible to determine the firm's long-run cost function.

To calculate the firm's contingent factor demand, we need to find the optimal values of capital (k) and labor (l) that minimize the cost function while producing a given level of output (q). In other words, we want to find the combination of k and l that will minimize the total cost (C) for a given level of production (q).

The firm's total cost function is given by C = F + rk + wl, where F represents fixed costs, r is the price of capital, and w is the price of labor.

To find the contingent factor demand, we need to differentiate the total cost function with respect to each factor (k and l) and set the derivatives equal to zero. This will give us the optimal values of k and l that minimize the cost function.

Let's begin with the derivative of the cost function with respect to capital (k):

∂C/∂k = r + (∂F/∂k) + (∂q/∂k)w = 0

Similarly, the derivative of the cost function with respect to labor (l) is:

∂C/∂l = w + (∂F/∂l) + (∂q/∂l)w = 0

Simplifying these expressions gives us:

∂q/∂k = -r/w - (∂F/∂k)/(∂q/∂k)
∂q/∂l = -w/r - (∂F/∂l)/(∂q/∂l)

Here, (∂F/∂k) and (∂F/∂l) represent the partial derivatives of the fixed cost function F with respect to capital and labor, respectively.

The contingent factor demand can be interpreted as the marginal product of each factor, which is the rate at which the firm's output changes with respect to changes in the amount of capital and labor. It represents the amount of capital and labor the firm is willing to hire at a given level of production and factor prices.

For the second part of your question, assuming r/w > a/b, we can determine the firm's long-run cost function, which represents the minimum achievable cost of producing any given level of output in the long run, assuming the firm can freely adjust its capital and labor inputs.

In this case, the firm will minimize its cost by choosing the factor input that has the lowest marginal cost. Since r/w > a/b, it implies that the marginal cost of labor (w) is lower than the marginal cost of capital (r). Therefore, the firm will minimize its cost by using more labor and less capital.

To find the firm's long-run cost function, we need to substitute the optimal values of k and l (contingent factor demand) into the total cost function C = F + rk + wl. This will give us the firm's cost of producing a given level of output in the most cost-efficient way.

I hope this explanation helps you better understand how to calculate the firm's contingent factor demand and find its long-run cost function. If you have any further questions, please let me know!