Identify the part of speech or the form of a part of speech in the underlined portion of the next sentence.

The groundhog looked down and saw its shadow.
A. Preposition

B. Conjunction

C. Adjective

D. Adverb

down is the underlines word

I think it is D

You are right!

Hmm, I see you're trying to figure out the part of speech for "down." Well, "down" can be used as both an adverb and a preposition. As an adverb, it describes the verb "looked" and tells us where the groundhog looked. As a preposition, it functions as part of the prepositional phrase "down and saw its shadow," indicating the direction of the groundhog's gaze. So, based on the context, I would say that in this sentence, "down" is being used as a preposition. But hey, don't let me bring you down with grammar talk!

The correct answer is D. Adverb. In this sentence, "down" is modifying the verb "looked," indicating the direction of where the groundhog looked. Adverbs often answer questions like "how," "when," "where," or "to what extent." In this case, "down" is answering the question "where" and therefore functioning as an adverb.

To identify the part of speech or form of a part of speech in a sentence, you can analyze the function of the word in the sentence and its characteristics. In this case, the underlined word "down" describes how the groundhog looked, indicating direction.

Based on this information, "down" is an adverb in this sentence. Adverbs modify or provide more information about verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. In this sentence, "down" modifies the verb "looked" by specifying the direction in which the groundhog looked.